Everyone has experienced it at one point or the other. That moment when you have to meet a deadline, and you are just sitting staring at your blank screen or paper with nothing coming to your head - Writer’s block.

Many things can cause a technical writer's block, even things we are not conscious of. So, in this article, we are going to discuss the causes of writer's block and how we can overcome them. Some of the most common reasons for having writer's block are:


As writers, sometimes we are always scared of putting our work or ideas out there. We fear to have our ideas criticized or judged. Although fear is absolutely normal, if left uncontrolled, it can hinder us from doing what we are supposed to do.


Sometimes, we compare our works with other people's work, especially more successful writers. Excessive criticism holds us back from actually writing and nothing we write ever looks good enough.

How to deal with Writer's Block.

1. Take a break:

Your brain is blank and nothing is coming forward. Do non-writing activities. Go for a walk, read a book, or listen to music. Do something that pleases you, It will take your mind off writing for a while. Then come back when you are much relaxed to continue writing.

2. Create a Writing Routine:

Writing can't be made easy if you only write when you are feeling creative or when you have to. It has to be a habit of avoiding having blocks. Create a schedule for yourself to write, It might not be daily but make sure to stick to it.

3. Free Writing:

This simply means to write for a set period of time without pausing. Don't look at the errors or if you are getting the phrases right. Just write! The goal is to write without doubt or second-guessing yourself.

4. Relax on your draft:

I understand you want your work to be perfect. Putting a lot of pressure on yourself allows you to have blocks. You can always go back to edit, just allow yourself to write freely. That is enough.

5. Make peace with your Inner Critics:

Self-doubt has really put an end to some writing. You don't need to ignore or accept those critics. Respectively acknowledge it and so you can understand what's necessary and ignore what's irrelevant.

6. The Problem might be the Research:

Sometimes, we get writer's blocks because we lack the necessary information about the Topic, So we get stuck with no sense of direction. So, go back to your research, decide if it is adequate for what direction you want your work to go with.

7. Don't Start from the Beginning:

You don't necessarily have to start writing from the start. Write back if you can. Sometimes some stories need an ending before you can find the first sentence.

8. Sleep on it:

You don't need to exhaust yourself. Sometimes what you need is rest. Starting afresh might seem like procrastination but it's not. You will know when it starts feeling like procrastination; just go easy on yourself.